Komodo has proven to be effective and praised by fire and forestry professionals. Komodo is the only truly prevention, protection, and fire retardation product. Komodo is class A fire protection neutralizing combustible cellulosic growth around property effective on grass, shrubs, dried growth, and other vegetation.
Komodo offers fire relief and peace of mind for residents living in fire-prone areas. A part of the range of products created to fight wildfires, Komodo is the latest advanced technology for fire prevention and protection (Patents Pending in the US and worldwide).
Advanced water-based, non-toxic, biodegradable, “benign-by-design” formulation; Safe for plants and wildlife.
Komodo, Proudly-Made in the USA, was designed to help create defensible space around properties by effectively neutralizing the threat of combustion and fire on vegetation fuel sources. Cellulosic materials such as dried grass, weeds, shrubs, trees, and similar fuel will not burn when treated with Komodo. Furthermore, treated areas will block and retard approaching fire fronts to protect structures and property otherwise at risk.
Komodo exclusive fire prevention technology for “once-and-done” all season application with rain protection and weatherization built in. K-5 will cover about 500 sq ft of vegetation. Area coverage will vary greatly based on type of vegetation, sprayer applicator and technique, number of coats applied, wind, and many other factors.